donderdag 2 januari 2020

Back to the configuration of the testing machine

Because our computer for testing AI is used for multiple sorts of tests, now and then the configuration is compromized, resulting in trainings that doesn't use the GPU.
This configuration however is not trivial. Many online tutorials are written using older versions of software, while newer versions of some parts work only in special environments: not on Windows.

This configuration seems to work now on our Windows 10 system:

  • Cuda 10.0
  • Tensorflow-GPU==1.14.0
  • Python 3.6.5
  • Keras 2.2.4

There are several things no be aware of:
  • Remove all other Python installations
  • Cuda also needs CuDNN. A zip file corresponding to the Cuda installation can be downloaded. Then files the folder should be copied to the corresponding folders in the Cuda installation.
  • The path to the Cuda folders ..\CUDA\v10.0\libnvvp and ..\CUDA\v10.0\bin should be included in the systems Path variable
  • - Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 and
    - Nvidia Nsight Visual Studio Edition
    should be de-installed before installing Cuda, otherwise the installation will fail.
  • Don't forget to update Pip to the latest version before installing from requirements.txt 

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