dinsdag 19 maart 2019

IFilter troubles

For AI one needs indexed documents. Therefore, each document should be converted to plain text. My company has a nice component to convert .msg files to the individual parts. For other file types I have found a project that uses IFilters to parse them.


However, this alone doesn't do the job (anymore?). This has mainly to do with the change to 64 bits systems. To let it use the Adobe pdf 64 bit IFilter I had to
  •  Ensure my project compiled to 64 bit instead of 32.
  •  Ensure the registry code looked in the 64 part of the registry, by using the RegistryView:
            using (var hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine,
                RegistryKey rk = hklm.OpenSubKey(key);
  • Finally: The Adobe 11 Ifilter hasn't all the necessary methods implemented! Very strange. Luckily I found a link where I could download the 9 version: 

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